Beth Person

Law Fit Report
Law School Transparency
Introduction 00
Back to Table of ContentsThe Law Fit Report is designed to provide you with guidance that impacts your decision to go to law school, which schools to apply to, which school to ultimately attend, and how to focus your internship and job search.
Your personalized report contains the following chapters:
Authentic Career Alignment: Uses your personality type to illustrate what sort of work aligns with you.
Defining My Narrative & Purpose: Highlights your natural abilities and strengths.
Career and Work Satisfaction: Uses your personality type to help illustrate what sort of work environments and core values suit you best.
Workplace Fit Factors: Describes the sort of work environments and core values that suit you best.
Legal Trait Analysis: Quickly shows you all 22 traits measured by the Sheffield Legal Assessment and how your scores compare to our global database of attorneys.
Practice Area Analysis: See how you fit in different practice areas based on scores from your assessment.
Work Setting Analysis: See how you fit into various work settings based on scores from your assessment.
We recommend listening to our podcast, I Am The Law, which is available at Law School Transparency or wherever you get your podcasts. Both this report and the podcast can be used with the tools available on LST in deciding where to apply and attend law school. When deciding on whether and where to attend law school, consider how well various schools can help you achieve your career goals. For example, if you have zero interest in working for a large law firm and instead want to practice family law in a particular state, it may not make sense to spend more money on a traditionally elite school. Different law schools have different strengths, especially as it relates to which employers (work settings) graduates of a school tend to find jobs with.
01 Authentic Career Alignment
Back to Table of ContentsThis section uses your personality type to help illustrate what sort of work aligns you
Based upon her personality type, Beth should consider these industries and professions:
- There are several opportunities to demonstrate competence
- The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to analyze and make objective, logical decisions
- The work involves theory and speculation
- The work involves creativity, imagination and a creative approach to problem solving
- The work involves looking beyond the present i.e., future possibilities, future products, future actions
- The work is not limited to what exists today but involves "what may be" and "what could be"
Those with Beth's personality prefer careers in which:
- Management allows people to be self-directed
- The culture appreciates fair but tough decision-making
- The work offers the opportunity to rapidly change direction and to respond to problems as they arise
- The work is fun and allows for some spontaneity
- You can apply your natural ability to focus and concentrate, rather than multitasking
- The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
- The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
- The work allows you to work at a careful steady pace
- The work allows you adequate private time to work alone and to concentrate
- The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
02 Defining My Narrative & Purpose
Back to Table of ContentsThis section uses your personality type to help illustrate your natural abilities and strengths
The natural abilities and strengths of Beth's personality type include:
When Beth is able to utilize fully her natural abilities and talents, she performs at a higher level. Her ability to perform well and enjoy her job depends upon the degree to which she is able to leverage and capitalize on her strengths.
Beth has probably already experienced something like this: Her work aligns well with her natural abilities and she is motivated to bring her best to her roles and responsibilities. Her performance seems to flow, progress on projects is smooth, and the outcomes are successful.
The opposite is also true. When Beth is not working on a project or studying a subject not aligned with her natural abilities, her stress level tends to increase and she finds it difficult to face into her obligations. The result is not satisfying or satisfactory. The key is for Beth to be in "alignment" with her work.
Every profession offers a variety of roles and work expectations. This is true even within a specific role. If Beth can direct her career path into industries and roles where she is able to align and develop her natural abilities, she will be more satisfied and successful.
Anyone can work on developing a skill. When a skill is listed below, we are referring to a "preference" toward that skill. The person is likely to enjoy using and developing the skill. When something is listed as a "natural ability", it is refering to the same concept, a preference. It does not automatically mean the person has or will develop it. It does mean that the person will likely prefer and enjoy developing the ability. Which means a likelihood of spending more time developing it.
- Natural ability to think strategically
- Natural ability for coordinating, organizing and leading
- Natural ability to make things more efficient
- Natural ability to improve systems
- Natural ability to solve very complex problems
- Naturally ingenious
- Natural ability to invent and create
- Natural ability to study and learn technology and science
- Natural ability for research and development
- Natural ability to work independently without supervision
- Naturally persistent and resolute
Original work by: Michael Robinson © Step Research Corporation
03 Career and Work Satisfaction
Back to Table of ContentsThis section uses your personality type to help illustrate the work environments best aligned with your core values.
Beth prefers these environmental and cultural attributes at work:
Beth does best at work when the company’s culture aligns with her personal values. Based on her personality type, Beth prefers an environment where:
- Management allows people to be self-directed
- The culture appreciates fair but tough decision-making
- The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
- The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
Based upon her personality type, Beth should consider these industries and professions:
- There are several opportunities to demonstrate competence
- The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to analyze and make objective, logical decisions
- The work involves theory and speculation
- The work involves creativity, imagination and a creative approach to problem solving
- The work involves looking beyond the present i.e., future possibilities, future products, future actions
- The work is not limited to what exists today but involves "what may be" and "what could be"
Those with Beth's personality prefer careers in which:
- Management allows people to be self-directed
- The culture appreciates fair but tough decision-making
- The work offers the opportunity to rapidly change direction and to respond to problems as they arise
- The work is fun and allows for some spontaneity
- You can apply your natural ability to focus and concentrate, rather than multitasking
- The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
- The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
- The work allows you to work at a careful steady pace
- The work allows you adequate private time to work alone and to concentrate
- The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
The natural abilities and strengths of Beth's personality type include:
When Beth is able to utilize fully her natural abilities and talents, she performs at a higher level. Her ability to perform well and enjoy her job depends upon the degree to which she is able to leverage and capitalize on her strengths.
Beth has probably already experienced something like this: Her work aligns well with her natural abilities and she is motivated to bring her best to her roles and responsibilities. Her performance seems to flow, progress on projects is smooth, and the outcomes are successful.
The opposite is also true. When Beth is not working on a project or studying a subject not aligned with her natural abilities, her stress level tends to increase and she finds it difficult to face into her obligations. The result is not satisfying or satisfactory. The key is for Beth to be in "alignment" with her work.
Every profession offers a variety of roles and work expectations. This is true even within a specific role. If Beth can direct her career path into industries and roles where she is able to align and develop her natural abilities, she will be more satisfied and successful.
Anyone can work on developing a skill. When a skill is listed below, we are referring to a "preference" toward that skill. The person is likely to enjoy using and developing the skill. When something is listed as a "natural ability", it is refering to the same concept, a preference. It does not automatically mean the person has or will develop it. It does mean that the person will likely prefer and enjoy developing the ability. Which means a likelihood of spending more time developing it.
- Natural ability to think strategically
- Natural ability for coordinating, organizing and leading
- Natural ability to make things more efficient
- Natural ability to improve systems
- Natural ability to solve very complex problems
- Naturally ingenious
- Natural ability to invent and create
- Natural ability to study and learn technology and science
- Natural ability for research and development
- Natural ability to work independently without supervision
- Naturally persistent and resolute
Beth's core values likely include:
Her professional environment should align with her core values in order to achieve maximum job satisfaction and career success. The common core values for her personality type include:
- Demonstrated competence
- Achievement
- Creativity
- Ingenuity
- Knowledge
- Constant learning
- Excellence
- Perfection
- Independence
- New challenges
- Being calm, emotion free
- Logic
- Minimal repetitive work
- Rewards and recognition are for problem solving in creative and innovative ways
- The ability to work without much direction is appreciated
04 Workplace Fit Factors - Environment, Culture & Values
Back to Table of ContentsThis section uses your personality type to help illustrate what sort of work environments and core values suit you best.
Beth prefers these environmental and cultural attributes at work:
Beth does best at work when the company’s culture aligns with her personal values. Based on her personality type, Beth prefers an environment where:
- Management allows people to be self-directed
- The culture appreciates fair but tough decision-making
- The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
- The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
Beth's core values likely include:
Her professional environment should align with her core values in order to achieve maximum job satisfaction and career success. The common core values for her personality type include:
- Demonstrated competence
- Achievement
- Creativity
- Ingenuity
- Knowledge
- Constant learning
- Excellence
- Perfection
- Independence
- New challenges
- Being calm, emotion free
- Logic
- Minimal repetitive work
- Rewards and recognition are for problem solving in creative and innovative ways
- The ability to work without much direction is appreciated
Original work by: Michael Robinson © Step Research Corporation
05 Legal Trait Analysis
Back to Table of ContentsThis chapter summarizes your results on all 22 traits measured by the Sheffield Assessment and allows you to compare your scores to the range for each trait derived from our database of attorneys
This chapter visually lays out your scores on the 22 traits measured in the Sheffield Assessment and how these compare to the range we computed for each trait using the scores of the attorneys in our global database.
The vertical, blue bar indicates where your score falls on each trait spectrum/trait continuum and the green band indicates the range into which the scores of 95% of attorneys in our sample fall (the mean score, plus two standard deviations in either direction). When your score for a trait falls outside the green band (the range) this is depicted by a yellow border. Being inside the green band on every trait is not a guarantee that you will find success in the legal profession. Moreover, having a score that falls outside of the green band on one or more traits does not mean you cannot become a successful member of the legal profession.
Each trait has a midpoint dividing it into two halves or poles. A pole or half being shaded blue, and its label being highlighted with bold type, tells you that your score lies closer to that pole of the trait spectrum/trait continuum. Because the range of results from the attorneys in our sample (the green band) always straddles the midpoint, neither the distance between your score and the midpoint, nor the side on which your score falls determines the likelihood of your success in the legal profession.
Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys, when your scores on these traits are more similar to the attorneys in our sample, working in the legal field may be more comfortable. When your scores on these traits are more dissimilar, working in the legal field may be more demanding. However, your personal goals, desire to work in the field, and work ethic will be the most important drivers of success.
Visual Display of Your 22 Sheffield Trait Results
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation
06 Practice Area Detailed Analysis
Back to Table of ContentsThis chapter shows how you fit in different practice areas based on your scores from the Sheffield Assessment
To help you assess how you might fit in different practice areas, this chapter shows how your results on the Sheffield Assessment compare to those of our sample of satisfied attorneys working in 24 different practice areas.
The Practice Area Detailed Analysis summarizes your results by comparing you to our sample in two key ways. Highlighted are the three traits where your scores are most similar to our practice area samples and the three traits where your scores are least similar. In addition, the right side of your display takes into account your scores on all 22 traits on the Sheffield Assessment, ranking your potential fit across the practice areas from most to least similar.
Many factors contribute to success and satisfaction in a practice area. Use this ranking of practice areas, and the top three matching and mismatching traits, as a starting point for investigating which practice areas might offer you the best fit for your future career.
Click the list of practice areas on the right to examine each one.
As much as we seek to measure everything perfectly, that's not actually possible. Indeed, no matter how good the Sheffield is, it is not able to predict whether you can or will be successful or satisfied in any particular work setting. Therefore, it's still incumbent upon you, as the expert on yourself, to look at the qualities and determine how important the opportunity to exercise them at work is to you.
For qualities you don’t place much weight on, knowing that they are less likely to be represented in a particular setting may not have much of an impact on how eager or interested you are to explore that work setting further. But for those you do care about, knowing how likely it is that these qualities will be well-represented can be useful information in helping you to prioritize which work settings to investigate first. Moreover, when there is a mismatch between the qualities that are important to you and what’s representative in an otherwise appealing setting, this information can help you anticipate the need to “sell” the value of these qualities, as well as to look for other avenues in which you can gain the satisfaction of using them.
Personal Injury
Where Beth fits with Personal Injury
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Group Problem Solving
Can solve problems in group or alone
Beth is comfortable solving problems in either a group setting or alone, depending upon the situation and availability of others.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Personal Injury
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Poised, commanding
Beth exhibits a sense of ease, poise, and self-assurance. She can "turn it on" to command a room or conversation with a compelling energy and attitude. When used purposefully this can be a highly effective tool for professional interactions.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Where Beth fits with Litigation
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Litigation
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Where Beth fits with Insurance
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
More sympathetic than empathetic
Beth is capable of intellectually appreciating another person's experience, but is less adept at genuinely connecting with another's experience emotionally. She may not recognize more subtle aspects of communication.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Insurance
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
She prefers to work on matters that follow a straight-forward path or fall within a pre-defined, predictable scope.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Bankruptcy & Restructuring
Where Beth fits with Bankruptcy & Restructuring
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Client Empathy
Client sympathetic when focused
Beth is capable of recognizing and understanding another's experience but does not always leave them with a genuine sense of having been understood. She can adjust her behavior based on the interpersonal situation, but this tends to require a conscious effort.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Bankruptcy & Restructuring
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Labor, Employment & Employee Benefits
Where Beth fits with Labor, Employment & Employee Benefits
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Labor, Employment & Employee Benefits
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Where Beth fits with Corporate
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Group Problem Solving
Can solve problems in group or alone
Beth is comfortable solving problems in either a group setting or alone, depending upon the situation and availability of others.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Corporate
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Real Estate
Where Beth fits with Real Estate
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Group Problem Solving
Can solve problems in group or alone
Beth is comfortable solving problems in either a group setting or alone, depending upon the situation and availability of others.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Real Estate
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Banking & Finance
Where Beth fits with Banking & Finance
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Banking & Finance
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Where Beth fits with Mergers & Acquisitions
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Mergers & Acquisitions
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Entertainment & Arts
Where Beth fits with Entertainment & Arts
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Entertainment & Arts
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Securities & Capital Markets
Where Beth fits with Securities & Capital Markets
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
More sympathetic than empathetic
Beth is capable of intellectually appreciating another person's experience, but is less adept at genuinely connecting with another's experience emotionally. She may not recognize more subtle aspects of communication.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Securities & Capital Markets
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
She prefers to work on matters that follow a straight-forward path or fall within a pre-defined, predictable scope.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Criminal Law
Where Beth fits with Criminal Law
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Criminal Law
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Family Law
Where Beth fits with Family Law
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Comfort with Risk
Risk averse
Beth tends to prefer conventional or well-established methods that will produce an expected outcome to a matter or transaction as opposed to methods that may potentially lead to failure.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Family Law
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth tends to have a positive outlook towards life and events and she focuses in on the good in people or situations. This disposition is helpful for getting along with others and often leads to general happiness with one's career and life. Caution: Beth must remember to consider what might go wrong (play devil's advocate) when advocating legal issues or working on business transactions to ensure she is properly representing the client fully. Focusing only on the positive outcome will negatively affect one's representation of the client's best interest.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
International & Cross Border
Where Beth fits with International & Cross Border
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Group Problem Solving
Can solve problems in group or alone
Beth is comfortable solving problems in either a group setting or alone, depending upon the situation and availability of others.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with International & Cross Border
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
She prefers to work on matters that follow a straight-forward path or fall within a pre-defined, predictable scope.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Where Beth fits with Tax
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Tax
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Intellectual Property
Where Beth fits with Intellectual Property
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Intellectual Property
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
White Collar Crime
Where Beth fits with White Collar Crime
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Prefers closure on tasks before changing gears
Beth is capable of multitasking but her preferred work style is one or two important initiatives at a time. Beth can demonstrate urgency, but prefers to work at a steady pace.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with White Collar Crime
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Where Beth fits with Healthcare
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Healthcare
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Trusts & Estates
Where Beth fits with Trusts & Estates
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Comfort with Risk
Risk averse
Beth tends to prefer conventional or well-established methods that will produce an expected outcome to a matter or transaction as opposed to methods that may potentially lead to failure.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Trusts & Estates
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
She prefers to work on matters that follow a straight-forward path or fall within a pre-defined, predictable scope.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Where Beth fits with Antitrust
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Antitrust
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Advertising & Media
Where Beth fits with Advertising & Media
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
More sympathetic than empathetic
Beth is capable of intellectually appreciating another person's experience, but is less adept at genuinely connecting with another's experience emotionally. She may not recognize more subtle aspects of communication.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Advertising & Media
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth tends to have a positive outlook towards life and events and she focuses in on the good in people or situations. This disposition is helpful for getting along with others and often leads to general happiness with one's career and life. Caution: Beth must remember to consider what might go wrong (play devil's advocate) when advocating legal issues or working on business transactions to ensure she is properly representing the client fully. Focusing only on the positive outcome will negatively affect one's representation of the client's best interest.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Poised, commanding
Beth exhibits a sense of ease, poise, and self-assurance. She can "turn it on" to command a room or conversation with a compelling energy and attitude. When used purposefully this can be a highly effective tool for professional interactions.
Where Beth fits with Environmental
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Environmental
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth tends to have a positive outlook towards life and events and she focuses in on the good in people or situations. This disposition is helpful for getting along with others and often leads to general happiness with one's career and life. Caution: Beth must remember to consider what might go wrong (play devil's advocate) when advocating legal issues or working on business transactions to ensure she is properly representing the client fully. Focusing only on the positive outcome will negatively affect one's representation of the client's best interest.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Where Beth fits with Immigration
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Can listen well when focused
Although Beth listens to others and may pick up the facts in a conversation, she may miss the subtleties and may be inclined to fill in any gaps with her own assumptions.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Immigration
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Poised, commanding
Beth exhibits a sense of ease, poise, and self-assurance. She can "turn it on" to command a room or conversation with a compelling energy and attitude. When used purposefully this can be a highly effective tool for professional interactions.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Military Law / JAG
Where Beth fits with Military Law / JAG
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Can listen well when focused
Although Beth listens to others and may pick up the facts in a conversation, she may miss the subtleties and may be inclined to fill in any gaps with her own assumptions.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
More sympathetic than empathetic
Beth is capable of intellectually appreciating another person's experience, but is less adept at genuinely connecting with another's experience emotionally. She may not recognize more subtle aspects of communication.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Military Law / JAG
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Practice Area. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Practice Area, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Practice Area understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Practice Areas on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth tends to have a positive outlook towards life and events and she focuses in on the good in people or situations. This disposition is helpful for getting along with others and often leads to general happiness with one's career and life. Caution: Beth must remember to consider what might go wrong (play devil's advocate) when advocating legal issues or working on business transactions to ensure she is properly representing the client fully. Focusing only on the positive outcome will negatively affect one's representation of the client's best interest.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth Person
Assessing The Fit

Additional Instructions For Using This
For additional guidance and instructions, please refer to the Polish Activity guidelines above and online for this report chapter.
Practice Area Detailed Analysis:
Please indicate where you think your current knowledge about Personal Injury, your highest ranked practice area, falls on the continuum below.
Limited Knowledge_____________________________Abundant Knowledge
How and from whom did you acquire the knowledge you have about this practice area? Select all that apply and feel free to add additional knowledge sources. You can also record these in your report using the Comment function of the Polish tool.
- Law school courses
- On-campus workshops
- Professional association meetings or seminars
- Law journals
- Professional association websites
- Podcasts, videos, blogs, other social media or internet resources
- Books, films, television series
- Internship/work experience
- Family members and friends working in law or adjacent fields
- Mentors and other role models working in law or adjacent fields
- Informational interviews with people working in law or adjacent fields
- Other
Come back later after having explored two new information sources.
Please indicate where you think your knowledge about Personal Injury, your highest ranked practice area, now falls on the continuum below.
Limited Knowledge_____________________________Abundant Knowledge
Having explored the two new information sources, please indicate where you think your current willingness to work in Personal Injury falls on the continuum below.
Limited Willingness____________________________________Abundant Willingness
If you rated yourself closer to the “limited” end of the scale, that is you discovered you don’t have a great deal of interest in or passion for Personal Injury, complete this activity with another practice area from the list that interests you.
However you rated your willingness to work in your top practice area(s), remember no assessment is perfect and your results are just one tool to help you make a good decision about what the best practice area(s) for you might be.
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation
07 Work Setting Detailed Analysis
Back to Table of ContentsThis chapter shows how you compare to satisfied attorneys in 6 different work settings based on your scores from the Sheffield Assessment
To help you assess how you might fit in different work settings, this chapter shows you how your results on the Sheffield Assessment compare to those of our sample of satisfied attorneys working in 6 different practice areas.
The Work Setting Detailed Analysis summarizes your results by comparing you to our sample in two key ways. Highlighted are the three traits where your scores are most similar to our work setting samples and the three traits where your scores are least similar. In addition, the right side of your display takes into account your scores on all 22 traits on the Sheffield Assessment, ranking your potential fit across the work settings from most to least similar.
Many factors contribute to success and satisfaction in a work setting. Use this ranking of work settings, and the top three matching and mismatching traits, as a starting point for investigating which setting might offer you the best fit for your future career.
Click the list of practice areas on the right to examine how you compare to satisfied attorneys in each of them.
As much as we seek to measure everything perfectly, that's not actually possible. Indeed, no matter how good the Sheffield is, it is not able to predict whether you can or will be successful or satisfied in any particular work setting. Therefore, it's still incumbent upon you, as the expert on yourself, to look at the qualities and determine how important the opportunity to exercise them at work is to you.
For qualities you don’t place much weight on, knowing that they are less likely to be represented in a particular setting may not have much of an impact on how eager or interested you are to explore that work setting further. But for those you do care about, knowing how likely it is that these qualities will be well-represented can be useful information in helping you to prioritize which work settings to investigate first. Moreover, when there is a mismatch between the qualities that are important to you and what’s representative in an otherwise appealing setting, this information can help you anticipate the need to “sell” the value of these qualities, as well as to look for other avenues in which you can gain the satisfaction of using them.
Corporation / In-house Counsel
Where Beth fits with Corporation / In-house Counsel
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Group Problem Solving
Can solve problems in group or alone
Beth is comfortable solving problems in either a group setting or alone, depending upon the situation and availability of others.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Corporation / In-house Counsel
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Work Setting understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Law Firm
Where Beth fits with Law Firm
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Law Firm
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Work Setting understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Non-practicing / Non-traditional
Where Beth fits with Non-practicing / Non-traditional
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
Client Empathy
Client sympathetic when focused
Beth is capable of recognizing and understanding another's experience but does not always leave them with a genuine sense of having been understood. She can adjust her behavior based on the interpersonal situation, but this tends to require a conscious effort.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Non-practicing / Non-traditional
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Work Setting understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Beth tends to have a positive outlook towards life and events and she focuses in on the good in people or situations. This disposition is helpful for getting along with others and often leads to general happiness with one's career and life. Caution: Beth must remember to consider what might go wrong (play devil's advocate) when advocating legal issues or working on business transactions to ensure she is properly representing the client fully. Focusing only on the positive outcome will negatively affect one's representation of the client's best interest.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Attorney - Government / Military
Where Beth fits with Attorney - Government / Military
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Ego Drive
Respectful debater
Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Attorney - Government / Military
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Work Setting understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Where Beth fits with Education
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
Skeptical but not jaded
She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Education
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Work Setting understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Comfortable in the abstract and concrete
Beth is comfortable working through complex, multidimensional issues as well as simple, more concrete problems.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Not for Profit
Where Beth fits with Not for Profit
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most similar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this setting more comfortable.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Can perform with or without direction
Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
Ego Strength
Strong facade
Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
Where Beth DOESN'T fit with Not for Profit
Below are the three traits from the Sheffield Assessment on which your scores are most dissimilar to those of satisfied attorneys working in this Work Setting. Although there are multiple profiles of successful and satisfied attorneys working in each Work Setting, your scores on these three traits may make working in this area more demanding. However, if you choose this Work Setting understanding its potential challenges, you may offer a useful and unique perspective.
Click the list of Work Settings on the right to examine each one.
Habitual, routine
Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
Poised, commanding
Beth exhibits a sense of ease, poise, and self-assurance. She can "turn it on" to command a room or conversation with a compelling energy and attitude. When used purposefully this can be a highly effective tool for professional interactions.
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation