Mary Anne Sutherland - Legal Career Compass Contributing Author

Mary Anne Sutherland

Mary Anne Sutherland

Mary Anne Sutherland worked for the Calgary School Board (Canada) for 32 years as an Instructor, Learning Strategist, Assistant Principal and Learning Diversity Advisor. 

More from Mary Anne Sutherland

Examples of a few workshops include: 
*University of Calgary ‘Early Childhood Council —New Brain Research/ Children 0-12 
* Individual Profiles Learning Strategies re personal profiles *Parents Groups–Exceptional Needs- Characteristics–Helping at Home 
*Teaching Groups-Exceptional Needs- Characteristics-Learning Strategies applicable to the Classroom 
* National Sports School Workshops included General Study Skills, Memory Strategies, Exam Preparation, Brain Based Studying,,MBTI study and stress reduction techniques, Exam Stress, MBTI profiles,Mind Mapping 
* National Sports School Parents — Helping students navigate & balance the world of sport & school/ MBTI or formal assessment 
*Parent Group Alberta Children’s Hospital Non-verbal Learning Disability Association 
* University of Calgary Student Teachers –Special Ed and the Inclusive Classroom 
* Parent Advocacy individual profiles, support with assessment results or advocacy with school, agencies or formal assessment/school related assessment (more extensive explanation or practical strategies related to formal assessment) 

Conference Speaker examples of a few topics include : 
** Treaty 7 Nations Teachers Convention Oct 2001 
**Learning Brain Expo January 2001, Personalized Learning A Necessity Not A Frill 
** Master of Teaching Students Feb 2002 
**Learning Brain Expo January 2004, From Competent to Excellent: A Brain-Based Diversity Learning Model 
**APT Conference, Portland Oregon July 2005 Education for All 
**BAPT Conference May 2014 ( Greenwich UK) An ISFP Speaks: Time to Design Education to Honor All Personality Types 
**BAPT Conference April 2016 ( Missenden UK) Artisans, Who Are They and Why Are They Not Here. Mary Anne Sutherland@ 
**BAPT Conference April 2016 ( Missenden UK) The Learning Puzzle (Mary Anne Sutherland@ and Sue Blair New Zealand @

Sutherland Educational Consulting

Sutherland Educational Consulting

Sutherland Educational Consulting Website

Mary Anne Sutherland (ISFP) worked for the Calgary School Board (Canada) for 32 years as an Instructor, Learning Strategist, Assistant Principal and Learning Diversity Advisor. ( 13 schools grades K to 12) She designed a program that could be implemented in any school to ensure all student differences could be served in the public educational system ( including all exceptional needs, giftedness and deaf and hard of hearing students). Since leaving the school system she has consulted and offered a multitude of workshops for parents, students and educators. She consulted ( for several years) with the students and staff of The National Sports School (Calgary). She was a speaker at the Brain Conference in San Diego in 2004 and the APT conference in 2005 and BAPT conference in 2014 & 2016. Having trained in one of the first MBTI Certification groups in the 1980’s she has used the instrument with students, staff, parents over the course of her career. 

She has used and documented type extensively with hundreds of staff, thousands of students & parents while incorporating the information into assessment profiles of students at risk of leaving school, gifted students ,students diagnosed with attention or learning difficulties and other exceptional needs. She has worked with family and parent groups as well as large numbers of staff members from a multitude of educational institutions. 

Current work includes a document for publication to look at strategies, models, personality type and best practice ( brain research) that would be a practical resource for instructors working with students from K to College Level. Parent Advocacy individual profiles, support with assessment results or advocacy with school, agencies or formal assessment/school related assessment (more extensive explanation or practical strategies related to formal assessment)